So half term begins
The brat yesterday decided she was going to clear out her wardrobe ( I have only been asking for months ) ...3 bin liners of stuff that is no longer cool , no longer fits or has been trashed.
Finally you can put clothes away in her wardrobe
So today she has organised a shopping trip with her bessy friends....."Can I have ?30 to go shopping with please" was her second sentence after Good Morning today
Bearing in mind there are all sorts of other activities that are going to be bleeding me dry this week I said she needed to think about how much money I had to spend on her this week ...
" But you only have 1 child which is below the average for a family and therefore you should be better off " she says
Thinking I'm being smart I said ... " aaaahhh but if I didn't have any children I would in fact be a lot better off " ( so there
" But your life would be empty without the joy of me in it " she declares