I am sitting here in my bay window sipping tea and watching the golden and orange leaves drift and swirl from the trees, a gentle breeze is blowing through the open window lightly ruffling the papers resting on my desk and bringing the rich scent of autumn into the room.
My attention is drawn to the bare branches of the old ash tree, bereft now, of it's luxurious summer clothing, two squirrels are silhouetted against the lowering sun and they run and scamper among the boughs chattering gaily to each other, and as my mind turns to long winter evenings in front of an open fire and of wonderful red wine sipped with friends I suddenly realize that what is foremost in my mind and has be worrying me most of today is my total lack of knowledge about your saucepans and pots.
Please put a hapless maiden out of her misery and inform me at your earliest convenience as to the state of your pots and the number. For I know deep in my heart and in my soul that I shall not, nay cannot, rest easy until you have imparted this information.....