I guess at least he expressed some form of appreciation ....though what additional effort it would have cost to add an extra couple of letters who knows
I used to despise 'Kind Regards' - but that was because one person who I dislike with a passion used to sign off with that disingenuous remark all the feckin time. I am gradually getting over that now
I've known this guy for years; he's Glaswegian and I've long suspected that he considers every typed character costs money .
Hell, he'd charge his mobile at McD's if he could find a table near a socket
Snoopy, having known the guy for years I take this on board; it's his style. The question remains what can one infer from the style of response ?
I would infer that he likes to give the impression of being a Hip, Finger Snapping, Busy, Busy, Busy, Guy ~ a Mover and Shaker.
Not knowing him I can only say that, to me, he comes over as sooooooooooooo far up his own arse as to be in need of a strong and reliable torch. I am probably very wrong but first impressions count and I have no other to guide me.
The truth is he is probably afraid of the technology.
All that said the less some people say the more room there is for those of us with verbal diarrhoea.