THW this morning ~ to her mother
"I need £15 for a geology trip next week, I have to take the money in today or tomorrow"
SWWLTBO "Well your father did sort out your EMA (Educational Maintenance Allowance) for you and you get £30 per week from the Government to pay for such things and your father did shell out £57 a month ago to buy you those text books for the course that you then dropped.................."
THW "Sooooooooo ..... I am expected to pay for it myself am I?"
SWWLTBO (Brightly) "Unless you want to ask your father for it because I am not going to"
THW (To whom I have never actually said no when it comes to paying for school trips, books etc) "Huh ~ well he won't pay for it will he!"
I heard all this going on and wisely kept out of it. She left for school complaining how nobody cared and how she supposed she would have to find the money from somewhere even if it meant walking the streets.
I larfed