Women wanting cosmetic surgery are more at risk than ever from 'greedy' doctors and supermarketstyle offers, experts warn.
Women are being damaged by procedures sold directly to them and products that do not undergo rigorous testing for efficacy and safety. Many procedures, such as barbed thread facelifts ? where a thread with a barbed hook is inserted under the skin to pull it taught ? fall out of fashion as complications and lack of effectiveness emerge.
Nigel Mercer, president of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, said: 'We have reached a stage where public expectation, driven by media hype and professional greed, has brought us to a perfect storm in the cosmetic surgical market.'
He added that a 'massive increase in marketing', including discount vouchers, 2-for-1 offers and holidays with surgery, was also to blame.
'In no other area of medicine is there such an unregulated mess,' said Mr MercerIf I had decided I needed any work done and went to see someone who was going to operate on me and they then proceeded to offer me a 2 for 1 deal I would out of that door before you know it.
I know people that have gone abroad to get dental work done - simply because it is so much cheaper and it seems to have gone ok - must admit I would be extremely hesitant to do such a thing.
But this whole area does seem to be a licence to print money and prey on the vanity women ( on which we are so vulnerable