Young men and some not so young men have been traipsing off to beat seven barrels of hell out of each other since we dropped out of the trees, sorry chaps but on the whole it is you, the fact that they now do so in cyberspace is of no surprise. It's how we used to get rid of much of our 'cannon fodder'. Is what is seen on these games any worse than what some young men witnessed in WW1 WW2 and all the other wars, I doubt it. I can't be certain as I have never seen these games. Would any of us wish to see our nearest and dearest killed/maimed in a real war scenario, I doubt it. My son, nearly 25 joined the Army Cadets and banged and whooshed there, he also played Warhammer games, has he turned out OK, well, yes after all he had me to talk to.
Are there some feral yoofs out there who I would like to see scared shitless and having to take responsibility for themselves, others and their actions, yep there certainly is. Well, that cleared that up then.