Teechers will go to almost any lengths to avoid telling you that the fruit of your loins is a pain in the arse that they would like removed from their class at the earliest opportunity.
Quite unlike my school days when they never held back
"Snoopy would be an asset to any school but this"
"If Snoopy showed half the interest in his work as he does in the pupils of the Girls' Grammar School he would have a great future"
"An idle, indolent boy for whom there is little hope of decent grades in the forthcoming GCE examinations"
"Snoopy shows no aptitude for Chemistry"
"Snoopy looks upon Physics as an African native would look upon a television set, in wonder and total incomprehension"
"The only boy who apparently cannot grasp that 2 + 2 equals 4 without putting up an argument"
"Snoopy's spelling is appalling, his punctuation poor and his grasp on English Grammar is, at best, tenuous"
"This boy's only saving grace is that when he has an idea, no matter how wrong headed, he clings to it as a drowning man would cling to a plank"
Just some of the comments on school reports that I can recall hearing my father read out with mounting horror in his voice.