I have just been to the post office
So what you may ask

It has recently been 'done up'
As you enter you are met by a concierge type person ..."what service would you like madam "I was asked .
If you wanted a counter service you are given a ticket ( just like the deli counter at Sainsbury's ) and directed to go and sit in the comfy leather chair seating area until your number is called

"I just want to post a parcel abroad " I said
I was then told that I didn't need to wait ....and directed to the self serve machines.
Plonk it onto the weighing machine ...type into the screen where you want it to go to and then choose from the menu your delivery options.
Out pops the printed stamp label. Stick it on and pop it into the box right next to machine

Less than 2 minutes all in all

I appreciate it's no guarantee that it is going to get there but nevertheless a totally different experience than the one I had been prepared for