You passed within 6 miles of me and didn't call in for a cuppa??????????
Je suis d?sol?
Had to get home though. Knackered and 'ungry.
You are forgiven ~ we were eating Morrison's Crimbo Cake for supper. 
I had a rather large slice for me pudding too. 
You tried the Asda crimbo cake I wittered on about 3 weeks ago that no one seemed interested in? ?2.99 and it's mahoooosive in comparitive terms, and mighty yumster too. 
SWWLTBO appeared with this slab of Morrisons' and got a bit miffed when I said we had switched to ASDA this year. She got even more miffed when I tried the Morrisons' and pronounced it inferior to last year's offering. Turns out she had seen that the type we had last year had increased in price so had bought the "Value" product and frankly it is not that good. I did remind her that I had told her of your recommendation of the ASDA cake this year but she affected not to have heard. "Stalked off with her nose in the air" would about describe it.
I've noticed that too. This years
Morrisons offering is more sticky and crumbly, and doesn't taste quite as nice somehow. They've left summat out to save on costs I suspect.

Tell Mrs S that
YOU are the boss, and she gets herself down to the ASDA cus Growler sez so.
Simples really!