Growler old chap you need to get out more.
I shave my bits and pieces daily, when I bathe or shower. I hate hairy wimmin (SWWLTBO knows this and behaves accordingly) I also hate hairy pits on men. Used to bar any man who came into my pubs without a sleeved shirt on. Kept a supply of brewery sponsored Tshirts to offer them but refusal to wear one meant an instant ejection from the premises. So yes I shave hair on chin, underarms and pubic area get the same treatment. I do maintain a moustache but that is vanity.
Recent applications of "elastoplast" dressing to my arse and adjoining dangly bits have convinced me that shaving is preferable to waxing in that area.
And as to why ~ I don't like hair in my teeth and I doubt that SWWLTBO does either. I use a wet razor although SWWLTBO did buy me an electric "Personal Trimmer" a couple of years ago. I find that a wet shave is closer ................ even if it does require a very steady hand.