Six monthly dental check this afternoon. I am now a 'client' rather than a patient
. He's one of a select few rolling out a new 'client focussed care programme' from the guvmint. He says it allows him to spend more time with me. Is that a good thing I ask. After all, visits to the dentist are not top of my
pleasurable things to do list. He takes my point and we consider rewording the statement
All the findings from his proggling around my mouth are entered into the new software on his 'puter and hey presto, a printout is delivered downstairs to reception. It's using the traffic light system in full colour... green for good, amber for warning and red for... well, you can guess.
The only problem is the printer downstairs is monochrome
Upstairs on the computer I'm amber throughout
. I have teeth, fillings and a freedom pass; what the feck d'you expect? I like the occasional drink and flirt with a cigar or an oily rag from time to time ... naughty man
I grind my teeth at night which is obviously very, very naughty and he wants to help me with some sort of gum shield
Well wouldn't you grind your teeth with anxiety living in this country and living on the edge of financial meltdown, civil unrest and cultural collapse?
This is getting to be as good as being a 'customer' of the DWP