Today I have been mainly waiting to get into a bath whilst sundry aggravations prevent me.
Firstly the THW went to a party last night and got home at midnight, SWWLTBO provided transport because I refused, which of course meant that we were all late in getting to sleep. SWWLTBO is in college this morning and had to leave here at 0830 so she had bathroom priority and used all the hot water, failing as usual to switch on the immersion heater to replenish it
So after she left I found cold water only, had a quick wash and turned on the IH planning to bathe a bit later but needing to get on with it before District Nurse arrives. Got boys breakfast and had a slice of toast myself. Returned to bathroom. Just got into bath and phone rang ~ Log-man to say he would be here with the Christmas load in 10 minutes
Leapt from bath, shook myself dry and pulled on some clothes ready to greet and pay Log-man. Log-man engages me in a lengthy conversation whilst his two strapping sons "earn their bloody keep". They are 14 and 16 and both make me feel small ..... they are mahoosive lads much given to wielding chainsaws, climbing up logs in competitions* and other such manly pursuits. Anywhoo the old man wanted to "put the world to rights" and proceeded so to do whilst I regretted having leapt from a hot bath and gone out to pay him whilst wearing only a cotton shirt and a pair of jeans. Teeth chattering and angina hurting I finally broke free and came back indoors to find the THW is still in bloody bed but is at least awake. I know this because she is roundly abusing her brothers for daring to make noise and wake her, they in turn are protesting that she is a lazy slag and ought to get up and help Dad as they are planning to do.
The logs have to be put away into the log store and the boys have plans that WE
will achieve this before their mother gets home. They feel they need the bulk of their sister to help them, she clearly has no intention of so doing but will no doubt spend many hours toasting her idle carcass in front of the log fires on cold evenings ~ Minor's words not mine ..... tho' he probably learned them from me.
Once the logs are away I have to go out to buy a Microwave as ours has finally given up the ghost and the spare stinks of SWWLTBO's soap making potions.
That dear readers is my day as far as it is known at this time.
* "Log" climbing competitions like this