I have found a carrot museum.....
http://www.carrotmuseum.co.uk/index.html Events around the World Which Celebrate the Wonderful Carrot
Several countries have an annual event to celebrate the glorious carrot, usually in a growing region. In addition there is an organisation which celebrates International Carrot Day every year on 4 April - here.
Here are the ones which have become known to the World Carrot Museum.
Holtville California Bradford Ontario Ohakune New Zealand Croissy sur Seine, France
Aarau Switzerland Schenectady County NY Creances France Beypazarı, Turkey
The Carrot Museum Road Show has had exhibitions at the Royal Horticultural Society, Harlow Carr Gardens for the past two years. Visit the dedicated pages here. Talks to schools, local societies and institutions are given on a regular basis, please e-mail the Museum if you would like a show or talk about carrots. Also anyone interested in holding an event in the UK, please get in touch.
Have a look at the Boston Vegetarian Society, which holds its Annual Food Festival in October and has a carrot in its main logo. They even produced a special carrot T-shirt! Click here for more.
Find accommodation while you visit one of the carrot festivals in Europe, or worldwide. The Wimdu Company have accommodation in 103 countries for you to stay at while you visit one of the carrot festivals. For example they can provide apartments or bed and breakfast in Paris, which is just 12 km from the Croissy Sur Seine Festival. Connect with Wimdu here.