Oh a work arsehole

All the officers have performance targets - they have had them for years. Nothing new there and it is part of their objectives. However some of them have been difficult to monitor recently because the IT system that extracts this data is buggerybolloxed.
So I have worked with out IT people and developed new whizzy bang systems for these reports. Again - nothing new on what these reports do.
Carried out some training sessions with the officers yesterday on how to use them.
One individual then later on goes on and sends a global email to all and sundry

quoting findings by an enquiry after the Baby P case that there was an over emphasis on targets and processand that this reduced the confidence of those professioanls involved . Oh and that officers should be weary that these systems may prove useful in any post Olympics cuts !!!
I have set a meeting up with this gentleman today. Isn't it funny that those that have the most to hide from such systems are the ones that make the loudest noise