Well done GM. I will share the bubbly and raise a toast to you and Mr P.
I am in horspickle.
I would love to see the death rates here, the whole place is a complete shambles. I don't know if I have been admitted, I was told when I arrived that I was expected on Sunday for surgery yesterday.
Two phone calls this morning neither knew that the other had phoned. Turned up at three to be met by blank faces until the ward sister turned up.
I was informed that the right sort of surgeon was on duty all of this week and he had spaces on his lists he would be down to see me shortly.
Two hours later the nice Mr Patel turned up. In his 50s I would imagine, flowing grey locks, white shirt the top of which was held together with a hair grip, pin striped suit the cuff edges of which were fraying and the knee was patched.
He invited me to stay for the night so that he could see the 'spine lads' in the morning just to make sure they were doing the right 'thing'. This 'thing' has a 1 in 300 chance of leaving me with no sensation in my legs or losing the use of my legs. 1 in 300
one in three sodding hundred.
Nurse turns up and asks me if I am OK to self medicate and as I had morphine on the ward would I be careful.
On a serious note it makes one feel lucky, it is a 4 bed ward there is one young female early 20s permanently twitching has to be moved from chair to bed with a hoist and can communicate only with great difficulty. The lady in the next bed is elderly, cannot walk, has to be fed by tube and turned regularly. She has a pad to write on so that she can communicate. In the next bed is a lady who is bent double, can barely breath and dribbles a lot. She makes a lot of noise none of which I have been able to make sense of. I don't think that they will be mugging me any time soon.
I am not filled with confidence.
On the bright side I have a dongle, you lot and two books, I think it may be a long night.