Finding myself at a loose end in London yesterday, as the staff were watching football there, I took myself off to Wembley to see some proper sport.
Conversation here today. 'What shall we do today that's lively?' Response. 'I'll hire a marching band to walk through here and perhaps you'll follow it with a hoover?' 
Twas a good game, hope you took a coat, that was some cloudburst
Re proper sport... Hodgson was knocked out cold by one tackle yesterday, dusted himself down, went on to play the rest of the game, scored, and went on to get man of the match
On the news this morning they played footage of the Man U game, poor Wayne Rooney got a cut on his leg (said in that mocking girly tone) and had to be stretched off

Evra's face suggested his leg must have snapped in two FFS