Tosay I purchased from a second hand book shop, Winnie Ille Pu, a Latin version of A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh, translated by Alexander Lenard.
This makes me giggle I have always liked Winnie the Pooh, I do not speak nor read Latin but I am so glad that I have the book.
I then went to PC World and got very cross (understatement) I was looking for a cheap printer, they had ten on display only three of which were in stock and those were in the high price range.
Spoke to manager and let my dissatisfaction known. left and made my way to Best Buys where I was expecting a much better standard.
Found the printer I wanted on display (50% off and priced at £40.00) those stocked below were not the same. Sent oik off to check stock, no they had none in stock, sent oik off to check price of those below desired product, £99.00.
Blood pressure notched up a level or two sent oik off to find a manager. Manager very un helpful stating, 'I don't know why those are there and we must have had a run on the sale items' Tosser.
Manager arrived I let my feelings be known and left the store. I will calm down soon.