SWWLTBO had to do this too, as do all students she teaches.
She scored: Numeracy 72 out of 72, Literacy 70 out of 70.
This was in the assessment session ...... they said she didn't need to take the course and gave her the certificate.
Anyway it saved 30 valuable hours of her time on the course but she had to argue to be allowed to sit the assessment first.
"What's the point of an assessment if you won't let me take it before you know what I need to be taught?" seems to have won the day!
The course is computer based and even the boys can do it. The THW was most miffed that she had to do it before she was allowed to do A levels ..... She had A and A* in her Maths and English GCSEs but "the rools say etc.........."
Even her teachers said it was a waste of time but the Gov't. send in people from the Job Centre to administer the tests at the High School!
Never mind Nick ~ You'll prolly get 3 whole CATS points for the certificate! I'm sure you'll find them handy despite your Phd! Only another 217 points and they'll allow you to attend an undergraduate course at Derby Uni.
Edit PS The idea is one of Ed Balls(ups) schemes as an answer to people coming into teaching who have foreign degrees but can't necessarily speak English. As always the intention was good but the law of unintended consequences comes into play! Now everyone who attends a course at a college of FE has to prove they can speak, write and add up before they are allowed on the course and all have to go through this crap. SWWLTBO knows that some people she teaches (History A levels, Latin A Levels, Access to Higher Education etc are there to learn ..... the ones that object are those that are doing other course for "Entertainment" .... Like the 74 year old Professor of Mechanical Engineering who has long retired and is attending a course in "Creative Writing" and wants to try his hand at writing for Mills and Boon as an "earner" and to pass the time.
The Numeracy and Literacy tests are basic maths and English and are 'pooter based tick box question and answer sessions.
Most people SWWLTBO encountered when she went to do hers were classroom assistants ~ the majority failed!