Well, if Nick hadn't said it was cancelled, and Barman had turned up I'd have been there.
I'm a victim of circumstance like
Nick ruined it for everybody.... 
And since WHEN exactly, has anybody with even a minute escuse for a brain. or even a smiging of intelligence of any description whatsoever, taken even the slightest bit of passing notice of absolutely ANYTHING, AT ALL, of remotely anything that that bloody half witted imbercile has EVER had to say or write?



Just a half witted bald headed coot like you and JOM it most sadly seems.
Absobloodylutely unbelievably staggeringly childishly pathetic, the pair of you.
Do not come back with any feable excuses either, as I am NOT for listening, at all, ever.
To put it mildly, I am grossly disappointed in the pair of you, especially after all the effort I put in.
I was really and so so looking forward to meeting my now EX best friends for some witty banter and chitter chatter too .
My theory that being friendless and being on my own for everything I do and places I go, has been thouroughly and completely confirmed and endorsed now.