WELL, what a day!!
Boy arrived for lunch on his own.
Me: Where's mum
Him: I told her not to come

Me: Why?
Him: SHe has ruined things the last three or four times (true enough) so I didn't want her here

Me: What EXACTLY did you say?

Him: [gives marginally more diplomatic explanation]
Lunch is fine (and a Lancaster flew over

The new iPhone is a big hit

We finish and he goes to the loo. A waitress comes over and asks if it is his birthday. I say it is. "Do you want the cake then?"

WHat cake?
Her: It has been ordered by a Mrs NIck
Me: OK
Boy returns from loo and two waitresses emerge from kitchen, one banging a large gong, the other bearing a cake with a lit firework in it

They lead the restaurant in Happy Birthday to You and then bring me the bill
Me: WHy have you charged me for the cake?
Her: She only ordered it, she didn't pay for it

We also had a lively exchange of greeting with Miss I who told the Boy he is handsome