Going to drop off the broken tellybox at the insurance company and then collect my new toy... 
Is the new toy the new Tele (2nd edition) or something we've not been told about? If so 
Amazfit Stratos... 

And in the back of a cupboard, BM's previous smart watch silently weeps and contemplates bluetoothing a warning to Amazfit Stratos
It will have a job, I chucked it away! 
Amazfit Stratos be warned, you too will be discarded in a year or two (if that)
Have to say it does look smart but a tad big. My 15 year old Seiko looks girly by modern standards
Is the "Battery" dial a percentage, or number of seconds remaining?

Battery life is actually up to five days... 
Ah the old 'up to' dodge
Amazing how many people forget that 'up to' clearly includes the number zero

Well lets see how many hours you actually get it to go between recharges
Impressed so far...
~32 hours since first full charge. Installation, two firmware updates, continual heart rate monitoring, sleep monitoring, gps on, always on display. And obviously fiddling with the new toy almost constantly. Only 50% of battery used... 
Pretty much like all the reviews I watched before buying it really... 

Battery still 39%... 
I put it on charge at 09:10 this morning with 28% left in the battery.
It is charging at about 1% per minute so should be completed at about 10:20 if t remains linear. 
So you haven’t got a watch for 72 minutes then?
If they’re going to take less dim watches to the masses they need to make them self charging or summat
Yes, miraculously I managed to last 72 mins without my watch on my wrist...

Of course, other options are available, I could charge it up daily when I jump in the shower for instance, a sort of 'splash and dash'...
...or I could have chosen the 'Bip' which goes a month between charges. But I didn't.