Last day 
Going to mix some gin and then out on a boat. Meantime Mrs K has bought a full size wombat so going to need some innovative packing time too

Is it stuffed or still hungry ?
Well it's a long story. Short version is stuffed toy and now stuffed in our expansion bag
The hotel we're in (Sir Stamford) uses the wombat as its mascot and has (well had) two rather large ones in the lobby. But you can buy them. About $20 for an ickle one, bit more for a medum sized one and a lot more for the mega one. So last time we were here Mrs K buys a medium one (and it is cute) but wants a full size one. But the only ones they have before Thursday are the display in lobby ones so not only do we buy one of them Mrs K is now feeliong guilty shes separated them.
Anyway here he was before I just packed him