Today I shall be mainly running around looking after SWWLTBO who has a cold ................ Only not being a man who gets proper flu she is sniffling and saying she has a headache (and I hadn't any thoughts of
because she is infectious) so is going to stay in bad.
Meanwhile the THW is useless around the house. Smallest boy has to be taken to a Birthday party 25 miles away in Chester.
Party starts at 10.30 am ........... what sort of a moron plans a kid's party for 10.30am on a Saturday?????????????
Question ~ Do I hang around in Chester and wait for him to finish or do I drive home after dropping him off only to turn round and go back to collect him an hour later? SWWLTBO expects me to return to base to see if she is ok
Obviously I shall hang around in Chester, probably the most boring place outside of Swindon that I can think of.
And it is pissing down