I've been out. Up early and caught the bus at about 6:45am in the darkio to take me up to the tube station. Nutter #1

The thing is you can't tell these days as they may be talking through the remote mike on their mobile so the first 20 seconds I gave him the benefit of the doubt

. It was when the diatribe turned to the
f@rking pot holes and the f@rking bendy bus and that f@rking MP who should f@rking sort it out and what he'd do would be to f@rking nationalise the whole transport network again that I twigged we were well and truly in Nutterland.
Anyhoo, bus, tube, train and out of town. Meeting was fine and resulted in me thinking good job I'm not going anywhere this Christmas because this lot's going to see me through 'til well into the New Year

. Back to the feast or famine scenario.
Trundled back into town and Nutter #2 is on the bus

. This time he's a boozed up, suited Rastafarian keen to shoot the breeze with anyone that meets his gaze. I avoid and hasten down to section two of the bendy bus. It's snowing; well would you Adam 'n' Eve it?

Home by lunch time and set to work and a phone call from a new customer who just, must see me before Christmas

. If I manage a Turkey Ready Meal on the 25th I'll be winning... !