Some never do, especially if they are good at manipulating others.
Unfortunately mine has been manipulated. Her Boyfriend (now I believe and fervently hope ex-boyfriend) has used her shamelessly. She has done all of his course work instead of doing her own. She has skipped classes to be with him when he has free periods but he has never missed a class of his own. She has sat in the common room doing his course work whilst he has been in classes. A check on her laptop reveals every essay he has had to submit, written by her and emailed to him. She has devoted the last 18 months to ensuring his university place. At long last she has, we believe, realised how she has been used. Two teachers took her aside today and told her that she has sent the bf to uni, they know she has done his work but cannot prove it unless she agrees to "testify" which she has refused to do. This is the best hope I have that her eyes have been opened. I have been called every name under the sun for trying to prevent her from doing this over the last 18 months but she is a stubborn little sod and has lied and lied about it.
Even the head teacher has told us that she is ruining her future to ensure the boy's.
BUT she is past 16 and there is nothing anyone has been able to do without risking her running off with him. I was all for saying "Go on then" but her mother said no.