SWWLTBO and the THW have gone to view yet another university leaving me and the boys to make do.
I decided to be helpful and do all the washing
Armed with a garden rake and with the boys as back-up I dredged beneath the THW's bed
loaded up the washing machine and set it going.
11am First load is pegged onto line
11.15 am second load is now in machine and water is flowing.
12 noon. Boys are "starving" so I make beans on toast for one and scrambled eggs on toast for the other. Snatch a piece of toast to keep my body sugars up.
12.20 Clear away lunch things and start plying vacuum cleaner
12.30 The fvcking heavens open and a monsoon hits the Kennel.
12.43 Washing is now all gathered back in, wetter than when it went out
Je suis off piste