I've spent most of the day here:
Looks lovely Snoopy, where is it?
I'm guessing.
Llyn Brenig near Ceregadridion (sp)?
Correctomondo on the place!
Ceregadridion = Cerrigydrudion
Spell it? I can't even say it!
Your spelling is closer to the pronunciation than the Welsh spelling is all I know.
I'm getting SO close to blowing a gasket with the Welsh and their language at the moment.
Here's me, daring to think and imagine that the national language of Britain is in fact English too.
I'll have to kepp my mouth shut, which I'm finding exceedingly difficult at the moment, but I fear a full outbreak of nationalistic war if I DARE say anyhing remotely negative about their 'native' tounge and the difficulties and inconvieniece it is causing me presently.
Unfortunately they have the "Welsh Language Act" to hide behind which says that ALL "official" bodies such as Government Agencies, Schools etc in Wales must use it.
Personally I tend to ignore it on the grounds that, in a country where every other person is called Jones or Jenkins but there is no J in the Welsh alphabet, the language cannot be taken seriously.
You want to try dialling 999 when you have to listen to them in Welsh for a full two minutes before they say "Which service do you require, Police, Fire or Ambulance?".
As for calling the County Council
Because I have a Welsh STD code and my phone calls go through a Welsh exchange all options are spoken in Welsh before I can get through to anyone. A Welsh post code means that all communications from DVLA, the Water Board, the Post Office, the BBC et al have twice as many pages as they send them both languages.
You cannot work for Local Government or many companies in Wales unless you either speak the language or sign that you are willing to go on a course to learn to speak it.
SWWLTBO does not have a single Welsh speaker among her 80+ students but has to say Good Morning/Afternoon etc at the beginning of each lesson in Welsh and Goodbye in Welsh at the end.
Out of 2000 + residents in this village only about 50 are fluent in Welsh and they all speak English.
The last census for this area gave all the usual options for Nationality except English. We have to be British but the Welsh can put "Welsh" ..... only 10% did so!