My home train was delayed tonight by a broken down freight train 3 trains ahead of mine, are you still with me? At first I thought well never mind, get a bus to the other side of the problem and get a train from there. Trouble was there would be no more trains cos they were all held up obviously.
So I did the sensible thing.... I got into a taxi with 7 blokes I don't know and hoped for the best. Alls well that ends well!
Warra nightmare!
Funny but in my younger days (mostly steam trains and a few diesels) I travelled everywhere by train and we never seemed to get the problems they get nowadays .... modernisation or lack of funding?
My only problem was that I used to put my ticket in my cap badge and sleep (usually travelled at night/very early morning) Often woke up several stops past the one I wanted
Being in uniform the ticket inspectors never woke me ... it was a common thing to see sleeping servicemen with their tickets wedged behind the cap badge, somehow they managed to "clip" the tickets without waking us.