I am fit to drop..what a frustrating afternoon.
To surmise in short we have served a notice on behalf of someone to help effect some repairs to their home with the communal drainage system ( all owner occupiers) - they have an manhole cover in their basement flat , not properly sealed etc. She is American he is the most annoying man that has ever lived. It has been a long protracted case
We went through all the options some months ago and agreed on a course of action. Notices served on all parties in the property. He appealed them at a magistrates court
. Court last week asked if we could have mediation meeting to find resolution.
So this afternoon , case officer , myself and the two of them had a meeting. She was hysterical and crying saying she was dying cos of the smells and no one cared
, he pulled out files and files of legislation and had obviously been on a DIY legal eagle course and knew it feckin all. Except of course what the appropriate legislation was in the different circumstances
Everytime we went to discuss any further options they talked over us . She continued to cry. They started to threaten suing for damages
Some time later , they were still talking , she was still crying and making utterances of " I just don't understand the English system that lets people die" etc etc etc .
I lost it in the end and just shouted at em stating we have explained what we are able and unable to do ..WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO DO ?
Do you know what they want ....
do ya ?
Really ?
Thyey want us to do nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could murder the feckin pair of them