Well that was a wasted morning .... Water board showed up, peered in the hole where the meter is, borrowed my torch and peered again. "Can you turn off the stop-cock?" "There are three" I replied. So I show him where they all are and he turns them off, then goes and peers down the hole again.
Much sucking of teeth."Looks like you might have a little leak"
Me, straining to be patient "I know that. It's why you are here ... to find the leak"
"Oh that's not my job mate, I only identify where there MIGHT be a leak"
Me, through gritted teeth "So have identified that there MIGHT be a leak what's the next move"
Him "I'll paint the cover of the manhole blue and report it. The office will send somebody to check the joints on the meter. If they are OK it's down to you"
Me "And when is that likely to happen?"
Him "I'll phone it in now and they'll let you know"