I got very excited as I was carted down to the imaging dept for an MRI scan.
Got there and they pointed to. The heart monitoring box strapped to my chest and shook their heads I explained that the doc had said it was Ok to take it off for the scan and then put it on again I waved my little paper bag of extra stickers at them, they shook their heads. I said I would take responsibility and remove it and the staff on the ward could replace it. Much sucking in of air and a call to the ward, that was OK.
Go through the questionnaire tick all the boxes onto next stage wheeled into room.
Much waving about of notes and removed from room. I have three stents the MRI could have moved them slightly or more than slightly.
You would have thought that someone with over 7 years training to be a medic of all things would have picked up on this little matter.
I was actually lucky that someone did notice. I have to wait at least 6 weeks before I can have this sodding scan.
I am waiting now a decision on what they plan to do instead.
So sympathy Snoops not going to do the hug emotion thingy I might not get back again but xxx