Soz mate. No lights for sale, well not for a Mini.
Just box loads of utter utter utter unwanted rusty shite and garbage that nobody would ever want, mostly unlabelled and extremely random.
Why do they actually bother carting all this tat and rusty shite around for decade after piggin' decade ey, WHY?
Bloody beats me i tell you.
NOBODY wants any of your shite, so do yerself a favour, you scruffy baked bean stained flea ridden jumper wearing scruffy unshaven unkempt '1990 delapidated Transit owning dlithering slithering council house tenant, and go lob it all on the tip, and stop building our never to be satisfied and forever strained hopes up, only to be dashed and let down after rummaging through your garbage, tiime after rancid piggin' time.