The neighbours are finally erecting a fence to separate the two gardens. Prior to us moving in the house it had been empty for about a year and the lady who owned the property was elderly. Next doors toddler had the run of the place.
Fence posts have been put into place over the last 10 months. Our man next door is a fretter and a worrier and has problems finishing a job or project.
The extension that they had built comes to within a foot of his boundary. Other than going through the house it is the only access to their back garden. He got very grumpy with us when we put four water barrels down the side of our property as this meant that he could no longer get a wheelbarrow or buggy down the side of his house.

As the banging and hammering goes on I can't help but wonder if I speeded up this up by mentioning that the electric fence that we would be putting up for the chickens would not kill their child if she touched it but would give her a very nasty shock.