Something the nice RAC man told me yesterday evening... They do a phone check in to the HQ periodically to see what's up and where they may have to go next. People have been phoning in for help as you'd expect, but get this one:
RAC: Can I help you? What's the problem with your vehicle?
Bloke: I need petrol.
RAC: You've run out of petrol?
Bloke: No, but I need to fill the car up.
RAC: Well, can't you go to the filling station?
Bloke: I've been but there's a queue...
RAC: For petrol?
Bloke: Yes.
RAC: I'm sorry Sir, but what do you want us to do?
Bloke: Can you bring me some petrol?
RAC: Have you run out?
Bloke: No, but I need to buy some more.
You want us to bring you petrol?
Bloke: Yes, can you do that?
Er, No.