I woke up this morning convinced it was Saturday
Couldn't understand why everyone was quiet ~ unusual for a Monday .... then realised it is half term.
On Saturday (the real one) Woodstock decreed that she was going to start packing stuff up ready to flog before the planned move ~ not that we've sold yet but she has taken heed of Kirsty and Phil and wants to "de-clutter". Boys ran around like lunatics hiding things from her "Just in case". Then yesterday she decided to check out a "table-top" sale in the next village .... to see if it would be worth booking a space to do her BIG SALE. She took Minor with her and he bought a trampoline (one of the 3ft diameter keep fit type) ..... So much for de-cluttering.
Anyone here want to buy a child size pool table or full size table tennis table c/w bats etc? Thought not!
The pool table I can get in the Land Rover but the Table Tennis table needs a transit van to shift it. I can see it coming with us!!!
She has even made comment about my boxes of cables!
Anywhoo, Having stacked all she could find to flog in the dining room I got an email from friends in Cambridge, we haven't seen them since we moved, saying "We will be in North Wales on Monday so will call in for lunch". Cue frantic replacement into cupboards of all she had raked out and a frantic trip to Aldi this morning.