So . . . if Linus invented both Peanuts AND Linux, why does Linux use penguins as logo creatures and not beagle dogs?
Or, conversely, why isn't the lead character in Peanuts a penguin? (and don't say that Charlie Brown IS a penguin or I'll empty this glass over you!)
Linus also invented a hard wearing waterproof floor covering too and Snickers bars contain peanuts but not penguins, not even when they were Marathons. 
I have had a most peculiar day.
Clearly! Were there any penguins involved in the heavy duty linoleum?
On noes that would just be silly. 
No sillier than the twin concepts of peanuts being involved in Snickers or Marathons!
Since a snicker is a sound and peanuts don't (AFAIK) don't make any sounds, and cannot run (no legs) marathons, I am
baffle completely at a loss!