At nine this morning we met with two members of the parks department. One bloke one girlie. They were here to aprove the placement of two picnic benches that we have purchased. Large yellow crosses were duly spray painted on the grass. There is a river which runs alongside 'Don Field'.Girlie wanted to ensure that the bench was far enough from the river for a parent to rugby tackle little Wayne and Princess to stop them entering the river. It never occurred to her that maybe a parent would say 'no' to a child and that the child would obey.

nicked borrowed JOM's didder yesterday, today I mostly been transplanting chilli, salad leaves, herbs, and tomato seedlings into larger pots. These should last for two weeks or more.
When we get back we are going to re-think the garden layout. Pete the bee has been around with two of his lads and moved the cherry tree logs to their final resting place. I feel a project coming on this may well involve chickens a dog and some pallets.