I am getting emails from Sven in Germany with stuff for me to check, all pre-arranged no problem. We are now well into double figures and there's more to come.
At first they started off very formal and polite... "Dear Mr P, Please find attached... etc etc".
By no. 3 or no. 4 it became "Hi, ... more of the same"
By no. 6 or no. 7 it became "Hi, guess what? ..."
By no. 10 or no. 11 it became "Hi ... !!"
This morning's salutation runs thus: " ........ "
German sense of humour?
I doubt it very much. Has he shown you his towel yet?
The builders are drilling so that they can chase the pipes in.
I said the builders are drillingI have to pee in the shed.
Mr C refuses to let me take the bath down to the bottom of the garden to grow mint in.
Chopping and cutting followed by cooking have been the order of the day.
I have made wild rocket and watercress pesto, wild garlic pesto, spinach pesto my experiment with Swiss chard pesto went badly wrong.
I really don't want to see another tomato for a while, I have just used up the frozen chillies from last year from now on in I will have to buy them.
This afternoon will mostly be spent in the greenhouse I hope.