I had a loooong afternoon .
Was meant to be a simple one to one meeting with a member of my team but turned into 3 and a half hours of talking through stuff. He declared himself to be an alcoholic but has now been dry for 20 years. I was unaware of any of this until today
. Although he always refuses to come out on any 'social' events but there are a number of people who choose not to socialise after work so never really thought anything of it.
He is going to be 50 next month and half way talking through cases he broke down and said he just can't face another 20 years without a drink.
He has had a string of girlfriends and says he doesn't have a permanent relationship because he expects himself to go off the rails at any time and when he goes he only wants to take himself down ! He says he will refuse to do half measures ...he is either going to drink until he is completely blottoed or avoid drink and situations involving drink. That if he chooses to drink I can expect his resignation the next day as he will seek to destroy himself
I need a bloody drink now