What Snoops said. It prolly is his other half that is behind it. Certainly was in my case. They wanted a family, your ex's partner was pregnant. From mine, they could not possibly pay for his first two children as they had a child of their own to bring up.
Take time to cool down, try and put aside the hurt and decide your course of action. There will be one. Carefully thought out by you, that will give him the biggest kick in the bollocks that he deserves.
Keep The Brat informed. Oh and
Today I will mostly be trying to remove dried in pasta and tomato sauce from the carpet and a chair. After that I have to deal with the still wet tomato bits and pair of wet tomatoey trousers in the shower. This following Mr C's major incident during the course of supper last night. He has gone out leaving me to deal with the mess.
I then have to deal with one of my plastic clog things that I was wearing in the garden yesterday, that which I thought was soggy grass clipping was in fact a huge slug. I did not have my trusty Slugpoon to hand. I may be gone a while.