I fell. Me arm looks like summat that should be 'anging up in a butchers shop and I've goosed me leg and shoulder, and me kness are also goosed more now too.
I was brave though and didn't really cry.
Had a crackin' time though, and gor'up there in record time!
Record slow time coming down though, and it was dark when I hobbled back to me van.
Must say, you do meet a nicer class of personage up in the 'ills though.
What we need now is a keep calm and hug a bear poster. You daft bugger, well done for doing it and for wanting to do it. Commiserations for the hurty bits now, I fall quite often myself and I know how much it hurts and the following day it hurts in places you didn't know you had.
Awwww, thanks my lickle hunny bunny. You're SSSO sweet and understanding to me you are.
I've come home early from me werk 'cus I do actually feel like a complete and very large bag of poo...dreadful, and I'm upset with meself now too, 'cus me body seems to be telling me today to stop going up there or face the punishment.
I don't want to stop though, 'cus I luv being out in the wilds. It's what keeps me sane and calm, and after all, THIS is where Bears should be, in'it?
I am actually walking like a friggin cripple today, and me 'ed is buzzin'.
Never used to be this bad after a trip in the wilds
Seems to get harder every trip up there.