Today I mainly seem to be trying to accomplish too much and leaving a trail of destruction and havoc in my wake. I now need to clear up the glass that is scattered all over the drive and wipe down the kitchen walls after a small accident involving a bicarbonate of soda.
I am part of a' think thank' oh yes they still use that word,on how to make Sheffield a great place to grow old. Sheffield has a higher than average elderly population, the males in this population on the whole have a host of health problems relating to years of working in either the steel industry or down the mines. They are not well. The women all seem to have 'the screws' and an eternal propensity to squawk loudly.
Their collective mind set is negative due to the fact that they have for generations been looked after by their industries, holidays, healthcare, gyms and recreation all being spoon fed to them the conception of doing anything new and that involves something slightly different is greeted by choruses of 'oh we can't do that because'......
All that goes through my mind at such times is, stop banging your head against a brick wall and flee South old woman.