We were chatting, as you do, about the influence of Lancelot Andrewes on Shakespeare (specifically his Christmas Day sermon in 1599 since you ask) and I took her to Southwark Cathedral to see his tomb after lunch. As a treat, like.
It was then that she revealed that she is a born again Christian (barkingly ferocious sect)
At least you found out now ....
Have to say a visit to a tomb is not most wimmins idea of a fun 2# date...
Me and the man are going for our first weekend away together next weekend. On the way there we are going to see a colleague that used to work for him. She is a senior pathologist in a mortuary. He manages or mortuary.
I know her and she is lovely so was looking forward to lunch. Now turns out we are also going for a tour of their mortuary to see how their standard operating proedures differ etc.
Oh yeah .... bring on the romance