Gordon Bennett, good luck Miss T hope it all goes well and if it doesn't that you stay safe and get home early. 
I have to agree with Boogs and Steve and Nick.
Weddings are a complete farce these days. Couples and their families (presumably) spend thousands of pounds on a wedding. I have been flabbergasted at the cost of some of the 'must have' things. It is horrendous to witness.
My eldest daughter and her partner are going somewhere very quiet with her best friend and his best mate and getting married in a registry office. They will then come back, tell people, close family will have a celebration meal out or a gathering at someone's house, when I say 'someone' I do mean a relly we are not intending on taking over a strangers house although that does have it's merits thinking about it.
Then the young things can celebrate how they want.
Daughter and partner would much rather spend their money on a house. Damned sensible that girl of mine. 
She is a very sensible girl a reflection on her mum I suspect...

My youngest daughter did a similar thing registry office two witnesses plus his parents and Mr B and myself. Lunch afterwards.. Cake made by family friend.. It was lovely.....Cost about £150 total..
My eldest had the works it cost them about £7k and half the people invited did not even bother to turn up (His side I might add) I made the bride and bridesmaids dresses cost me £130 It was a disaster really , sadly.
Mine £55 registry office 14 friends and close family meal at local hotel , cake made by family friend, dresses, veil, flowers made by me approx. £50 the lot. Plus months of sewing and hand sewing beads on....

Food about £200. Good day had by all.
A couple of years ago my friend did wedding photography and I helped her and we attended some lovely weddings but on the other hand some were awful one thing they had in common was the extortionate costs...
In my experience over the years the more they spent on the wedding the shorter the marriage last.. That is a generalisation ofcourse .. I see a lot of these couples around and the percentage of the ones separated is staggering...