Werk again 2 till 10 But weekend off
To watch the Wimbledon finals and German GP?
Could I ask you and Miss C to resolve the name of your party please? Miss C's sig says it's the Don't give a flying fuck party but yours says it is the Couldn't give a flying fuck party.
Now I realise that there are more important things to give a flying fuck about but those of us who care about flying fucks fucking care what fuckin banner we should be deciding if we give a flying fuck about.
I feel better now
We are as one, amalgamated if you will.
Of course like any political party there are those of us who have more right wing tendencies (the don't s) and those who have left wing tendencies (the couldn't s) there are those in the middle (the wouldn't) there is the splinter group (the shouldn't s) lastly there are the stalewarts, these warts have been around for so long that they really really really don't give a fuck regardless of ability to fly or not.
I hope that this explains things to your satisfaction. If not then you can just fuck fuckity fuck off.
BMs little beach venture is going to end in tears, sand in every nook and cranny, too hot, too windy too many people. Madness I tells you madness.
I am going to go and take some more photographs and potter in the garden.