Going sailing at Latsi... 

So how long before you get your own boat?
Saw lots of Jolly Boats, Gin Palaces and had some decent wind too!

I could never understand boating til I read an interview with David Coulthard who explained how no one you don’t like can pester you
If I was a fishing person AND IF I had a spare million (or maybe two) sailing with engine power might be very tempting
The two guys I go with are very enthusiastic sailors - one (the owner of the boat) sails every day...
It doesn't do the same thing for me, I don't really get it. There is a huge amount of fiddling, winding in and letting out just to get from A to B. But that seems to be the 'fun' for them...
I enjoy the day out every now and again... and I'm learning which rope (sheet?) to pull in or let out to stop the bleddy thing being blown over. But like you, if I decided to take to the sea I would have a bleddy big engine or three under the deck to get me around...
It was Force 5 today and we went the fastest I'd ever been in a sailing boat but bizarrely, we were the only people out there under sail.