I'm back... wot a day... 
Wassa matta hun ?
So, I dropped my car off at 08:45 and set off to waste time in Pafos until it was finished...
It was blisteringly hot and humid. I got to The Mall in 30 mins soaked with sweat but all the shops were closed. So I walked to McDonald's and had breckers...

Then I decided to walk to the harbour (all downhill)... About halfway there I passed an archaeological site (the place is littered with them) and a sign pointing to 'The Catacombs'... I thought that would be worth exploring and would pass some time too...
It was fascinating. An ancient tree outside is festooned with handkerchiefs - presumably passing on wishes or prayers. Down some stairs there were caves and areas where candles and incense were being burnt... There was another staircase which stretched into the darkness which I thought I would explore... Down it went, getting cooler and darker - a welcome relief from the oppressive heat and humidity above... Cooler and darker, cooler and darker... I was just thinking about switching on the 'torch' on my phone and SPLOSH, SPLOSH! Up to my knees in freezing cold water - shoes and socks soaked!

So I returned to the street wish soaking shoes and socks realising that I couldn't possibly wander around the town in my current state and the car would be hours before it was finished. The only thing I could think of doing was going to the beach and renting a sunbed so I could let my things dry...
So another 30 mins walk to the beach, sunbed and umbrella (€5.00) and set my shoes, socks and insoles out to dry like a tramp...
By 12:30 my stuff was still damp but I was bored... there was a place on the beach doing massage (€30 per hour - no mucky stuff). It was lovely... And an hour later shoes, insoles and socks were dry...
Unfortunately, massage oil is to sand as a blanket is to shit.

So after half an hour of wiping, scraping, washing I managed to get feet free enough of sand to put shoes and socks on and walk uphill back to the garage in the blistering heat... Literally soaked with sweat...
And to top the whole thing off I am sunburnt to fuck...