As we all know, masks do not protect us They protect other people. Only dumb Trumpites and faux libertarians deny this. Are you vaccinated? Keep wearing those masks to protect others.
I'm sure most of us can see that 99% of masks worn protect nobody... . .
That's because 99% of masks are on warehouse shelves, in transit from suppliers or in people's homes awaiting being worn
But 99% of masks actually being worn are protecting many people.
I can only speak for here (obvs.), but from my observation that is nonsense...
There is a high degree of compliance with mask wearing rules indoors...
A large %'age of wearers don't cover their noses...
Almost all 'disposable' masks have huge gaps at the sides...
And most 'disposable' masks are worn multiple times...
The vast majority of mask wearers I see aren't protecting anybody from anything...
I presume you'll continue to wear a (properly fitted, medical grade) mask once the rules are lifted to protect society from any nast germs you might be carrying...?