Today has started badly (at 2am) and isn't getting much better
2am: the inaccessible smoke alarm started its bleeding loud beeping again (my turn up the heating wheeze no longer working)
by 8am we are going nuts and the cats have left home BUT a phone call to the guys who were coming to fix it and install another one produces results: they could come today
PROBLEM: that means instantly clearing the atrociously untidy loft area above where the work needs doing and in clearing it BANG I smash the back of my head against a very firm wooden joist, stayed conscious just but Mrs K panicking that I'm going to collapse in the loft and me thinking 'what if I collapse in the loft' Fortunately I didn't but head still hurty all day.
And the people arrived very early and we now have a decent smoke/heat alarm system that isn't beeping and the cats have just about forgiven us.
Tomorrow the bill will arrive