And so what if the cabin crew did strike? Why does that stop a plane taking off and landing? It would save money with less fuel being used with fewer people on board. Do we really need these raddled slappers or mincing queens blocking up the aisles trying to get us to buy overpriced tat? Safety demonstration? Put a video on.
Are there really that many passengers who don't know how to put the seat-belt on?
Food? Just tell passengers to bring a packed lunch for longer flights and put a few vending machines on for drinks.
Pissed-up bloke causing a racket? Without the irritating finger wagging of the trolley dollies, I'm sure a suitable number of other passengers would issue swift justice.
You could probably even have a ciggy without being accused of polluting the air that is already laden with carcenogenic particulates of oil used within the scavenger system.
Cabin crew. Fuck 'em I say.